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Reuse for families

2023-06-21 11:17 AM | Deleted user

Anybody can learn to be stewards of the planet, even preschoolers! In response to pressing global environmental issues, youth education and building sustainable habits are  more important than ever. 

If you ask the Minnesota Cloth Diaper Bank, it’s best to start practicing reuse when kids are very young. Single-use diapers can be costly, environmentally and financially; so much so that 1 in 3 Minnesota families struggle to obtain a sufficient supply of diapers while about 20 billion disposable diapers are thrown out each year in the United States. Cloth diapering, while requiring a financial investment initially, aims to address both issues. 

Do you find yourself struggling to keep up with your kids’ changing interests or finding new and stimulating toys for playtime? Save time and money by joining the Minneapolis Toy Library! They have a variety of membership levels to choose from. Much like borrowing a book, the toy library has a large selection of toys for kids through age five. You’ll save  money from not having to buy new toys and your children will have plenty of toys to choose from!

Similarly, the clothing, gear, and supplies needs of children are constantly changing. The shift in seasons and clothing sizes are reasons to consider renting clothing or shopping secondhand for your little one instead of buying new. This can be more affordable and helps avoid the need to store clothing your children have grown out of. Inventory will vary, but see what options are available in the Twin Cities area at LittlesGo and Baby Gear Group. Children’s clothing and supplies rental can be a great option for families looking to incorporate more reuse and save some time, money, and the environment! Moreover, these platforms are perfect for one-time needs or trying things out before you commit to purchasing.

An additional resource to consider are the county fix-it clinics operated by several of the Twin Cities metro counties. Volunteers come prepared to help you and teach you how to fix broken toys, mend tears and holes in a favorite pair of jeans, or repair a lamp that was knocked over in last week’s invigorating game of tag. Click here to learn more about fix-it clinics, check Reuse Minnesota’s website to see if there is a fix-it clinic scheduled near you soon, and gather some things that could use a repair.

Sustainable and simple habits make big impacts. Young children can be taught the principles of reduce, reuse, and recycle. Modeling these behaviors yourself is a wonderful way to teach children! One way to demonstrate reuse in your family is to switch to reusables, like a lunchbox or water bottle. You can also be more creatively engaging by making arts and crafts with repurposed materials. Take some time with your family and brainstorm ways to cut down on single-use waste and get creative with how you and your children engage and understand “waste.”

Reuse Minnesota was founded in 2012 and is a member-based nonprofit that supports repair, resale, and rental businesses, bringing visibility to the reuse sector as a means to lower our state's impact on the environment.

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