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REUSE23 conference

  • 2023-10-04
  • 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
  • Hennepin Technical College, 9000 Brooklyn Blvd, Brooklyn Park, MN 55445


  • For current and recently completed MN GreenCorps members and nonprofit interns.
  • Members and nonmembers - registration fee includes virtual attendance to plenaries and selected programming only
  • See first-hand how surplus medical supplies can change lives during the tour of Mano a Mano’s warehouse in St Paul.
    925 Pierce Butler Rte, St Paul,
  • Learn how this local, volunteer driven collaborative works to empower each other, reduce waste and improve communities through the sharing of tools, trade skills, and shop space.
    1620 Central Ave NE #126, Minneapolis,
  • For individuals who have received confirmation that they have been selected as a speaker for the conference.
  • Registration for REUSE23 Conference planning committee and volunteers

REUSE23 educates, inspires, and connects professionals in the reuse, repair, and rental sectors. The event offers informative keynotes, breakout sessions, and networking opportunities geared toward strengthening and expanding the reuse economy.

REUSE23 will bring together thought leaders and experts across multiple disciplines. This includes business professionals, nonprofit agencies, government workers, and students. REUSE23 is hosted by Reuse Minnesota.

Tuesday, October 3: Optional site visits & social hour

3-4:30pm: Site visits: Alta Technologies-canceled, Arc's Value Village, Mano a Mano, Minnesota Tool Library, University of Minnesota ReUse Program

Kick off your REUSE23 Conference experience with one of our member-hosted site visits! Sign up for one of these site tours to begin learning and networking before the REUSE23 Conference officially starts. Availability is limited, so sign up soon to reserve your spot!

5:30-7pm: Social hour at PILLLAR Forum Cafe, 2300 Central Ave NE, Minneapolis, MN, 55407

After your site visit, join us at our social hour and kick off celebration at PILLLAR Lounge from 5:30-7pm! RSVP to attend.

Wednesday, October 4: Conference
Hennepin Technical College
9000 Brooklyn Blvd | Brooklyn Park, MN | 55445

8:30am: Check-in and breakfast

9am - 4:30pm: Conference sessions

11:45am - 12:45pm: Lunch

Register for any or all events in just one transaction by following these steps:

1.       Main event page, click REGISTER

2.      Enter email, click NEXT

3.      Select first ticket type, click NEXT

4.      If required, enter code, click NEXT

5.      Enter info, click NEXT

6.      Click INVOICE ME


8.      Using same email, click NEXT

9.      Select second ticket type, click NEXT

10.  If required, enter code, click NEXT

11.    Enter info, click NEXT

12.   Click INVOICE ME

13.   In the bottom right, click "Balance due"

14.  Click PAY ONLINE

15.   Enter payment info and pay entire balance together

Reuse Minnesota was founded in 2012 and is a member-based nonprofit that supports repair, resale, and rental businesses, bringing visibility to the reuse sector as a means to lower our state's impact on the environment.

Contact us
Email Reuse Minnesota

© 2025 Reuse Minnesota. All rights reserved. | Reuse Minnesota is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

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